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As a Country Director, Noé believes that leadership based on the love of those with whom you serve empowers each staff member. He is passionate about loving those he serves with and those they serve together. Noé is proud of the grace of God who allowed us, in a period of 5 years, to shift into the impactful Watershed approach. Now, our program in Burundi is on a tremendous step of growth both in quality services and in geographical expansion.

Noé was also a big part of the successful partnership agreement between our programs in Burundi and Hope International Burundi as an outcome of a tangible impact of our ECC material. Noé hopes this small beginning could open more opportunities for partnerships in the future. As part of the implementation of his Masters in Gender Institutions and Societies, Noé has recently conducted research on socio-economic gender relationships within VSLA groups supervised by the Burundi team in the sub-watershed of Nyakazu.

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