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Do Plant With Purpose programs have a real impact?

March 22, 2022

Yes. We rigorously monitor, evaluate, and learn from our impact. Every three years, we conduct an in-depth evaluation and publish it as our Impact Report.

Some highlights from our most recent impact evaluation include:

  • Participating families on average reduce poverty by over half.
  • Tree cover is increasing or stable in all of the watersheds where we work, increasing at a global average of 0.39% per year. This is a reversal from the global trend, where 0.51% of tree cover is lost every year.
  • Participants have 2.5 months of savings on average, compared to one month of savings for nonparticipants.
  • Participants use 89% more regenerative agriculture techniques than nonparticipants.

In a separate study, we measured that crop yields increase for participants by 37%.

In addition, Plant With Purpose is evaluated by several outside nonprofit monitoring organizations, and we have received top ratings from those, including Charity Navigator (4 out of 4 stars) and Guidestar (Platinum).

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