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Purpose Groups are the main avenue through which Plant With Purpose equips partnering farmers to thrive. Around thirty neighbors form a Purpose Group, where they learn, collaborate, and encourage one another. 

The heart of our mission is restoring relationships. Broken relationships are at the root of oppression, inequality, and poverty. Purpose Groups are our platform for restoring these relationships from a variety of angles. Community members discover their inherent agency and reduce poverty holistically through four components:

Savings Groups

A Purpose Group is a community-based savings and loan association where members save, borrow and ​lend money, invest in their community, receive training in financial literacy, and learn through rural ​microfinance strategies.

The average Purpose Group participant has 2.5 months of expenses saved. This provides resilience ​against emergencies, natural disasters, climate change, and more. In fact, the increased resilience of ​Purpose Group members has been documented in a recent peer-reviewed study.

Farmer Field Schools

Farmer Field Schools create a platform for participating farmers to test and co-develop regenerative agriculture practices within their communities. These practices rebuild healthy soil, increasing crop diversity and yields long term. Participants in Purpose Groups apply 89% more regenerative agriculture techniques than nonparticipants. These techniques include:

  • Composting
  • Use of green manure or cover crops
  • Establishment of woodlots
  • Agroforestry
  • No-till or minimum tillage
  • Terrace farming

Spiritual Renewal

As a Christian organization, we believe there’s more to restoring ecosystems and communities than just planting trees and increasing incomes. It’s about repairing relationships between Creator, creation, and one another. Our work is incomplete without prayer, discipleship, and love put into action. In the watersheds where we work, spiritual renewal is the foundation and key to permanent life change and community transformation.

95% of participants agree with the statement, “I now feel pride in the work I do.”

As members in a group work together to develop their skills, they also discover opportunities to apply their knowledge to meeting community needs. Over time, this establishes a norm of group members working together to solve shared problems. The result is a widespread sense of collaboration and agency, one where members are enthusiastic about their community’s ability to be transformed by its own people. These habits evolve into an overarching sense of solidarity and mutual support, which leads to more unified communities. Particularly in countries where peace is fragile, this sense of solidarity greatly decreases the risk of participation in conflict and violence.


Plant With Purpose promotes a wide range of techniques for growing trees. All are applied strategically within a watershed and lead to a maximum impact on landscape restoration, poverty alleviation, and community ownership.

  • Tree planting
  • Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)
  • Agroforestry
  • Community forestry
  • Native seed collection

Participants plant 4.3x more trees than nonparticipants.

Plant With Purpose CEO Scott Sabin highlights, “It is important to plant trees for the right purpose. Yes, trees have an important impact on the climate, but they also need to make sense to the people who live where they will be planted. In our case, they provide food, fuel, fodder, fertilizer, and local ecosystem benefits. A unit of Plant With Purpose’s environmental restoration curriculum, Seeds of Change, is all about agroforestry: using trees on farms to improve farm production and sustainability. Our partners plant trees because they have learned that trees directly benefit them, not because we pay them to put seedlings in the ground.”

On average, Plant With Purpose participants experience a 55% reduction in poverty, directly impacting basic ​human needs like regularly eating nutritious meals, having a safe, livable home, sending children to school and having ​savings to support new business opportunities or manage emergencies.

This impact also stretches beyond our participants to the larger population of the surrounding watershed. Simply being in an area that has been restored makes a big difference.

Step into a Purpose Group

“I want to emphasize that what I have received from Plant With Purpose is more than a blessing. It has profoundly transformed my life and enabled me to achieve my goals. It is my heartfelt wish to witness others benefit as I have.”
James, Tanzania

Trust & Transparency

We’re an open book. We are completely transparent with how your donations are used. We share the results of our work—both what works and what we’ve learned from what doesn’t. We invite outside agencies to monitor and review our use of resources.
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