Plant With Purpose and EarthX were Earth Week partners.
EarthX is an environmental forum where citizens, educators, business leaders, students, nonprofits, and leaders can take action towards a more sustainable future by exploring a variety of solutions. Plant With Purpose came for the second year in a row, connecting with environmental leaders and concerned citizens.
The EarthX annual gathering is the world’s largest environmentally focused event. Hosted in Dallas, the event included exhibitions, films, lectures, panels, and other activities dedicated towards collaboration and sustainability.
This year, Plant With Purpose also served as EarthX’s tree planting partner, meaning that activities over the weekend designed to plant more trees would go to support things like our agroecology activities in rural villages all over the world.
The Earth benefits when concern connects.
In addition to simple gestures that resulted in trees being planted-- donating a dollar, following Plant With Purpose on social media, etc., our teammates in attendance formed and cultivated deeper connections with allies in the fight to restore the environment.
Addressing the environmental threats that our planet faces is a task too big for any one individual. That's why connection matters. From scientists to nonprofit practitioners and educators, there are a number of different people who share the goal of healing the planet. The important thing is to make sure collaboration and cooperation take place.
At the event in Dallas, our director Scott Sabin joined Dr. Gerald Durley for a fireside chat about these issues. As they discussed the idea of how “the future is now,” more and more people began to connect our present actions with the outcomes they create.
The generosity of Earth X is already at work.
We are thankful for the support from Dallas. As a result, we’ll be able to strengthen our reforestation and restoration efforts all around the world. EarthX fundraising will go towards our programs. They will bring hundreds of trees to parts of the world that are very much in need of them. Farmers who live in surrounding areas will gain training in sustainable agriculture. Their kids and grandkids will soon be able to reap the benefit of healthy land.
If you were at EarthX this year, we greatly appreciate your involvement. It will lead to significant amounts of change around the world.
Did you have to miss out on EarthX? Were you able to attend and now don’t want to stop? Either way, opportunities to help rural villages restore the planet abound. Our Purpose Partner program allows your monthly contributions to support sustainable initiatives. To learn more about the Purpose Partner Program, follow this link.