Plant With Purpose believes that transforming lives is a process that happens within and around a person. Lasting change comes from the inside out, and the stories of our partners exemplify this.. We celebrate healthier farms, restored ecosystems, and new businesses, recognizing that these are often outward manifestations of an inner transformation.
This is why we prioritize spiritual renewal. Programs like the Theology of Work training for rural farmers ensures that they both understand the ecological importance of the way they farm, but also the spiritual significance. The renewed sense of purpose contributes to holistic transformation.
One great example of this comes from the Siguvyaye II watershed of Burundi, where Kagabo eagerly shares his story of life transformation:
My name is Kagabo. Everyday life for my wife Julia and I revolves around farming. We have three children, and I am a member of a Purpose Group.

Before I joined Plant With Purpose, I lived in extreme poverty. I was lazy, drank a lot and didn't know what to do or where to start.
I'd work all day and come home empty-handed to my family because I spent the day drinking. Sometimes, I would even steal the household crops, which were hard to find. I was constantly in conflict with my wife. She wasn’t able to manage our family livelihood, in spite of the fact that she was the one who did most of the farming activities.
Sometimes, the children only ate once a day.
I joined the Plant With Purpose program and began participating in a Theology of Work workshop. I started to understand how I wronged my family and wanted to have integrity. Today, we are reconciled. We work together as a family, and I have a sense of peace and freedom. Before Plant With Purpose, this was not the case. My mission now is to serve God and to achieve sustainable development.
My farm production used to be low because I scattered my seeds across acidic, unprotected soil. This led to stunted growth and yellowing plants. The organic manure I was using only affected the surface.
When I joined Plant With Purpose, I was trained in the Seeds of Change environmental curriculum. I learned how to apply better techniques, which increased my agricultural production. If you compared my same plot, before and after Plant With Purpose’s intervention, you would notice a big increase in yield. For example, I went from growing 250kg of corn each year, to as much as 1,500kg.

I have started to restore my farm thanks to the training I receive from Plant With Purpose Burundi. I have planted many species on my agroforestry plot to make my soil more fertile. This system recycles and draws up the nutrients and minerals within the soil that are valuable to plants. When you arrive at my house, you'll find a vegetable garden, avocado and guava trees, and good fields of bean plants.
Economically, this has enabled me to save sums of money and to take out loans through my Purpose Group. I used those loans to start a banana juice business and to purchase a cow. She is pregnant, well-fed, and contributing to my organic manure. I didn’t have opportunities like this before Plant With Purpose.
I can testify that Plant With Purpose has completely transformed our community. We know our priorities. Almost all families in the Purpose Group have been able to plant fruit trees and we expect to produce more in our community nurseries. I am among the Plant With Purpose trained Nurserymen. I plan to train the other ten grafters who are members of the groups. I also intend to continue following the improved techniques I learned to produce more and achieve a sustainable future.
The story is truly inspiring, and I am eager to share it with the farmers I am connected with across the countries of the Mekong region in Asia. I hope the technical assistance provided by Plant With Purpose and its local partner organizations worldwide will also bring valuable benefits to each of the farmer families in Asia. Thank you for your genuine heart and dedication to supporting farmers.
Congratulations Kagabo! You have done so well - with the help of God via Plant with Purpose and with a lot of hard work on your part, you have turned your life around. It is so encouraging to read about what you have accomplished. Wishing you, Julia and your children a good and happy future, where you will live well and have enough to help others.