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Salvator: "I used to worry about ever being able to reach a point of long-term sustainability."

Before I joined a Purpose Group, it was very hard for me to meet my needs because of lack of money. I couldn’t even find enough for basic necessities like medicines when a family member fell ill, school fees for my children, or food for the difficult time between harvests.

The loans I was able to access in the Purpose Group, help me to diversify and improve my
resources. I could buy a cow, start small business projects, and carry out my agricultural
projects. I often take loans from our own Purpose Group. The biggest loan I have requested so far was when I was in dire straits and my wife and children were sick. I had to get them to
Bujumbura, the capital city of Burundi, for medical treatment.

Plant With Purpose has taught us to protect our agricultural areas. The techniques we use are primarily infiltration ditches along the contours, planting agroforestry and forest trees and using compost to increase our yield. Certain techniques are learned at our Farmers Field Schools. There I started to understand that growing climbing beans is far more productive than growing dwarf beans.

The trees planted on our farming developments are a tremendous asset in the battle against erosion and strong winds, and for fertilizing our fields. The trees are also used as firewood.

Thanks to Plant With Purpose, the protection and restoration of the environment has become the concern of everyone around.

Burundi purpose group offers more than just a savings group

We have grown 1 hectare of cassava and we protected the environment by planting trees. This encouraged the neighbours who aren’t involved in Purpose Groups to do the same!

Since I became a member of the group, I have learned to respect others and quite often I’m
involved in conflict resolution in our association. Even in the wider community. I do my best to take my responsibilities seriously.

Before beginning or ending our activities, we must pray. Prayer produces a positive spiritual
impact. In fact, members become good, sincere, caring, honest, serious and respectful.

I used to worry about ever being able to reach a point of long-term sustainability. Today, I
realize I am well on the way!

About the Author

Plant With Purpose seeks to restore hope by reversing two of the world’s greatest challenges: global poverty and environmental damage. These problems are interconnected.

Our goal is to see creation’s life-giving regenerative cycles restored and people renewed through their relationship to God, living in healthy sufficiency and empowered to dream.

We operate in eight countries around the world. Our international work is 100% locally-led, with global offices operating both as independent agencies within their country, and alliance partners with Plant With Purpose U.S., which supports their ongoing work.

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