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Living Sustainably

Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.

Power in the Practice: 5 Ways Farmers are Maintaining Sustainable Food Systems

Natalie Landes has been a Communications Team Intern at Plant With Purpose over the past several months. As an International Development student, she has been able to connect our work with farmers around the world with some of her past experiences, namely a study abroad experience in Costa Rica, studying sustainable community development in rainforest […]
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Elisongoya, Tanzania: "A decision that opened doors..."

Elisongoya is a resilient 40-year-old farmer. The lives of Elisongoya, her husband, and their four children took a positive turn, thanks to Elisongoya's involvement in her Purpose Group. “Before joining the group, I worried a lot about my inability to provide for our family. My husband and I lacked a stable income which caused us […]
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We are able to persist: Sustainable agriculture in Haiti keeps parents resilient

In recent years, few countries have reached the level of instability seen by Haiti. The collapse of its central government and authority structures have created an atmosphere of lawlessness, in which street-level violence has escalated. The constant threat of harm and kidnappings has disrupted everyday life for most Haitians, particularly around larger population centers. Many […]
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Sustainability Glossary for a Greener Planet

Your guide to environmental buzzwords and important ideas to help restore our world We have created a sustainability glossary for you! In the world of sustainability, there is no shortage of buzzwords. Even the term sustainability is often overused and misunderstood. When terms become extremely popular, it's a good indicator that there is enthusiasm for […]
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Deborah: "I can get water anytime"

Deborah is a 36 year old woman married to a 38 year old husband, a member of a Purpose Group. They had been blessed with 3 children of whom two are daughters and one son.  Before she partnered with Plant With Purpose she was a housewife who did labor work in the village. “I was […]
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Reflections on the Vision Trip to the Dominican Republic

I finally had the opportunity meet some of the partnering farmers in person and see up close the work that the smallholder farm success is producing that our Dominican Republic colleagues make possible. Seeing this was a treat. From cacao in Ozama the first day to coffee in Nizao to another cacao project in Ozama […]
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Let's hear from Haiti's Purpose Groups

Throughout the many security and economic crises Haiti has endured during recent years, Plant With Purpose's community Purpose Groups have become places of refuge, belonging, and security for its members. While the state of the nation makes it difficult to make progress, dream of a future, and secure resources, these Haiti Purpose Groups have provided […]
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Q&A with Justine & Alexandre from Grande Colline, Haiti

Many of Plant With Purpose's longest standing partnerships in Haiti are in the area of Grande Colline. We recently had a chance to talk with two farmers in Haiti who are also members of Purpose Groups in the area and hear about their experience. Here's what we've learned from Justine and Alexandre. Justine What was […]
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Salvator: "I used to worry about ever being able to reach a point of long-term sustainability."

Before I joined a Purpose Group, it was very hard for me to meet my needs because of lack of money. I couldn’t even find enough for basic necessities like medicines when a family member fell ill, school fees for my children, or food for the difficult time between harvests. The loans I was able […]
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Meepu: "I have already seen the difference after planting fruit trees and bamboo."

Meepu, mother and spouse to six children, is a farmer and cook in the MaeTaChang Watershed of Thailand. She felt hopeless because of how expensive and unsuccessful her plant's growth was due to old monoculture farming techniques. She tried countless experiments cultivating different seeds that all died due to lack of knowledge of how to […]
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Greenwashing: Avoid Falling Prey to Deception While Trying to Do Good

Evidently, going green is good for business. Over the past five years, internet searches for sustainable goods have increased by 71%. As global concern heightens with images of Amazonian deforestation, ocean garbage patches, and the lived experience of increasingly erratic weather patterns, consumers are looking for avenues to lessen their role in the environmental devastation […]
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There's no such thing as a sustainable trend

Environmental concern is urgent. It is also timeless. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, wow, this sustainability trend sure is taking off, isn’t it? You’d have good reason for thinking that. Fidelity, the investment giant declared last year as the year “sustainability went mainstream” declaring that “professional and private investors alike are realizing that sustainability […]
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How to stop glacial retreat

Glacial retreat represents a variety of ecological concerns Glacial retreat is a term that describes what happens when a glacier’s furthest point doesn’t reach as far down valley as it used to at the same time of year. It can be used as a shorthand to describe the shrinking of a glacier and as a […]
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Wave goodbye to plastics by implementing these steps

Plastics are everywhere As the doors at a local supermarket glide open, shelves stocked with mounds of endless foods provide a sense of freedom and excitement for consumers. Here's the catch: they are all wrapped in plastic! What picture does this imagery paint in your head? With lives so infiltrated by plastics, this supermarket visual […]
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Protecting God’s Creation

What motivates Christians to care about climate? This is a question many have asked, from both within and outside the faith. While people in general may have all kinds of reasons for concern- from uncertainty towards the future to concern for the poor, how this is influenced by people’s spiritual beliefs stirs up a lot […]
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