In 2017, over 39 million people were food insecure, mostly due to environmental damage and natural disasters. Crops, trees, and animals are the top sources of income for rural families that rely on the land for a living. Plant With Purpose sustainable agriculture programs help families living in vulnerable areas improve the quality of their land to grow more food and create a more hopeful future.
Families are empowered by improving their soil quality of their soil. Healthy land allows them to invest in things like sending their kids to school, protecting shared spaces, and new business opportunities. The families Plant With Purpose works with are more likely to say that they have the ability to improve their life.
Sustainable agriculture bridges the gap between meeting today’s needs and building sustainable, resilient farms and watersheds. Plant With Purpose helps families eat more in the present and build resilience against droughts, storms, and the unexpected challenges in the future.
Sustainability and Savings Go Hand-in-Hand
As improved farming practices increase families' incomes, they have more opportunities to save and invest in their futures.
Environmental degradation contributes to poverty. Poverty, in turn, contributes to environmental degradation. By addressing the two as a single, unified issue we can break a cycle that harms many lives.
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