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Christi Huizenga Renaud

Christi leads the marketing and fundraising teams through equally balancing business and mission. This involves raising the support needed to keep our programs running effectively, and speaking boldly about God's love for all people and the world that’s been entrusted to us. Christi is passionate about mobilizing people around a vision, growing a team that people want to join, and building systems that grow as we grow. She is grateful for the opportunity to use these skills to help heal the planet by giving farming families the tools needed to grow beyond poverty.

Christi has lived on four different continents where she got to know and love a wide variety of people. That experience has equipped her with the understanding of God's love for all people and how environmental stewardship is one of the most effective ways of loving our neighbor. Christi has a Masters Degree in International Business from Thunderbird School of Global Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Communications from Calvin University. Christi is a mom to two who love the outdoors even more than she does.

Creation Care is an act of Stewardship

Believers are the most well-equipped to lead in the face of a global climate crisis because of our faith in Christ. Many people hear that and ask, "What should I do?" Here's a framework and helpful tips for getting started. Don't look away! “There is a tendency at every important but difficult crossroad to pretend […]
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Ideas and Resources to Help You Care for Creation

Believers are the most well-equipped to lead in the face of a global climate crisis because of our faith in Christ. Many people ask, "what should I do?" This article is the second of a two-part series that provides a framework and helpful tips for getting started. Samaria (AKA outside your immediate community/national concerns) Because […]
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On Christians and Climate Change: To Whom Much Is Given, Much Will Be Required

By nature, Christians have two superpowers. First, we have the ability to walk into the unknown without fear. Abraham did this; David did this. It’s what Jesus called all of his disciples to do. It’s what Paul and the early Christians did. As Paul described in 2 Timothy: “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but […]
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Drilling in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Rainforest

How will this impact ongoing restoration work? And how should we respond? You may have seen the news about the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s oil and gas concessions recently. It was picked up by most major news outlets and trended on social media. Many of the stories included terms like “carbon bomb” and “environmental […]
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