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Philippe Lazaro

Philippe shares the stories of people living at the forefront of the climate crisis, who are working to transform their ecosystems and communities. He loves emphasizing the human experience, and keeping conversations about the environment centered on the communities most affected by it. Philippe has led storytelling trips to Mexico, Thailand, Colombia, Tanzania, South Africa, Haiti, and a number of other countries. He has previously served in similar roles at Liberty in North Korea and Mobility International.

Philippe obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies at UC Santa Barbara. He furthered his studies by earning a Master of Arts in International Studies as well as a Master of Arts in Nonprofit Management at University of Oregon. Philippe is also an illustrator, podcaster, and digital artist. Outside of work, Philippe loves spending time with his wife and their three kids.

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Rewilding Landscapes: The Impact of Tree Planting on Wildlife

How tree planting is rewilding degraded landscapes, bringing back wildlife, and restoring ecosystems to their natural state. The concept of rewilding landscapes has gained significant traction in recent years as a means to address the pressing issue of biodiversity loss.  Rewilding is the process of restoring degraded ecosystems to their natural state, allowing for the […]
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Beyond the Dollar Sign: Measuring Poverty

Measuring poverty is more complex than a simple calculation of income. While income is a crucial factor, it paints an incomplete picture, especially in the context of international rural development like the work of Plant With Purpose.  Here's why a one-dimensional statistic like income falls short of adequately measuring poverty: Income isn't the only story. […]
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The Hidden Cost of Charcoal

The Hidden Cost of Charcoal What Americans think of as a harmless summer BBQ item is, for many, a matter of life and death when we add up the hidden cost of charcoal. Charcoal, a seemingly simple product, carries heavy environmental and social consequences. In low-income rural areas especially, its production fuels a vicious cycle […]
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Methods of Measurement: Diverse Data Lenses Show Us Your Impact

The Triennial Impact Report: Methods Make a Difference How do we collect data to build an accurate picture of our impact? We believe that accountability is an important part of our work. One of our best measures of accountability just so happens to be measurement. Data. Quantitative numbers show us the impact that your support […]
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The Ethics of Data Collection

Respect and care for our partners were top of mind as we conducted our Triennial Impact Study Data plays a major role in Plant With Purpose’s overall operations, and that’s true for our monitoring and evaluation as well. It's not enough to go into communities with good ideas about how transformation can take place – […]
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Why Vanessa Nakate’s Christian Environmentalism should be taken seriously

At the age of 22, Vanessa Nakate stood in front of the Ugandan Parliament building alone with a cardboard sign. Green love Green peace and Climate Strike Now were among the slogans written on it as she carried out her single-person protest for five months. It was a small start for someone who has become […]
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Measuring What Matters

As we prepare for release of our triennial Impact Report, we reflect on its importance If Plant With Purpose’s program were a tree, monitoring and evaluation would be the sunlight that guides the direction of its growth. By systematically tracking progress and measuring outcomes, we gain crucial insights. Monitoring allows us to go beyond the […]
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Nafika, Tanzania: "I see a future well educated woman thriving in life"

Nafika is a 32-year-old single mother living in the Shengena West watershed. She is raising a 15-year-old daughter while working as a Tanzania farmer and entrepreneur and being an active member of a Purpose Group.  As a farmer she is involved in poultry and fish farming, caring for chickens and managing a fish pond. Nafika […]
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Causes Effects and Solutions to Environmental Degradation- Part II

Eight Ways to Invest in People and Planet for the Next Generation In Environmental Degradation Part One we explored the causes and effects of environmental damage and the interconnected problem of global poverty. In this article we focus more on the interventions and environmental solutions that are helping to lift families and communities in the […]
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Shining a Light of Opportunity: The Indigenous Women’s Struggle for Education in Rural Mexico

In Southern Mexico, rural Indigenous women remain at the bottom of the educational ladder. While progress has been made in recent years with education in rural Mexico, a gap persists, casting long shadows over their lives and perpetuating a cycle of poverty that ripples through generations. The roots of this educational disparity run deep, intertwined […]
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Navigating Complexity: Why the easy way isn’t always the best way

One of the most important parts of Plant With Purpose’s work is measuring its efficacy. This is also one of the most difficult parts. As we apply our model of Community Designed Restoration© (CDR) to rural watersheds across the globe, we want to ensure that our work is having its intended impact. As trees are […]
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Revisiting the Congo: A year after opening for oil drilling

With significant climate implications. The Congo Basin Rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the world and hosts about 70% of Africa’s tree cover. With a large portion of the rainforest made of peatlands, it serves as a powerful carbon sink. Disrupting it would be a significant loss in our efforts to maintain a livable […]
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Unpacking the Top Causes of Global Poverty

Poverty is a global problem that affects billions of people. The ways that different organizations, countries, and institutions define poverty may vary, but in 2023, an estimated 689 million people live on less than $1.90 per day. Most people have some basic consciousness around the challenges of poverty, even though public perception is often tainted […]
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Causes, Effects and Solutions to Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is an increasingly pressing issue that affects us all. It is caused by a variety of factors, ranging from human activities to natural disasters, and its effects can be devastating. Many of these effects cause further degradation, which means that environmental degradation’s impact works in a downward cycle. Fortunately, there are solutions, and […]
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Seeding Change

Planting trees and helping farmers grow more crops is part of Plant With Purpose’s core work, but these activities depend on the health and availability of seeds. Right now, the global seed supply faces a number of problems. There is currently a lack of access to diverse and locally adapted seed varieties. This is due […]
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