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Stories of Life Change

Economic Empowerment

Plant With Purpose invests heavily in savings groups, equipping families with tools needed to manage personal finances, access loans when needed, and save. This pays off. The average Plant With Purpose family is over twice as likely to save. On average, these participants have enough emergency savings to last over two months. Compare this with the 57 percent of Americans who had less than $1,000 saved in 2017.

Through savings groups, Plant With Purpose participants discover a path to a better life for their families. Many of the world's rural poor have no opportunities to save money and don't have the luxury of thinking long term. This often leads to decisions that make life even harder downstream.

Savings groups provide a place to save. Participants earn interest at well above market rates. They also have the opportunity to take out loans to invest in their farms, businesses, or children. As families gain greater control over their financial futures, they make choices about how to spend their money. This helps us understand what Plant With Purpose communities value. Top investment choices include sending daughters to secondary school, protecting even more land, and owning more land.

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Real change starts at the heart

Faith is core of all that we do. Plant With Purpose firmly believes that true transformation comes not through economic growth or healed environments, but through a relationship with the true and living God.

"First it’s about praying and having faith. That’s how you start the process of being changed.  God will come."  
Monika, Kalonge, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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