Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.

All, Podcast
Memorable quotes from Season One of Grassroots
We’re celebrating a successful first season of Plant With Purpose’s Grassroots Podcast! While we’re on a little break right now, feel free to go back and listen to any of our past episodes here! And if you’re not totally sure where to start, here are a few quotes from our guests to spark some inspiration. […]
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All, Resources
One Planet, Many Neighbors
July 11 marks World Population Day, a day marked to raise awareness of issues related to world population. Though this is not the most well known commemoration, its relationship to the environment makes it worth exploring further. So, what is World Population Day and where did it come from? The United Nations Development Program established […]
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The Roots of Everything
Downstream problems have upstream solutions. Plant With Purpose’s model of international development evolved from a series of discoveries. First: We discovered that if we wanted to help people improve their lives, we needed to improve their environment, because both were so deeply connected. Second: We saw that helping people out of poverty went a long […]
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All, Podcast
Here's how to listen to and support the Grassroots Podcast
The Grassroots Podcast is officially live! As of July 2, Plant With Purpose's premiere podcast is finally live. Whether you get your podcasts on Spotify, Apple, Google, Overcast, Breaker, Anchor, Pocket Casts, or RadioPublic, you'll be able to listen to our new show for free! We are committed to amplifying the voices of the rural […]
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All, Climate Solutions, Environmental Restoration, Podcast
It Threatens the Most Vulnerable
The impact of climate change and degradation is not felt evenly. Environmental degradation is a cruel phenomenon. It has the harshest effect on people who already suffer a great deal: the world’s poor. Especially the rural poor. While most common images of poverty depict something urban, poverty is mostly rural. Among those who live in […]
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Podcast, Updates
The Roots of Everything
There’s no shortage of problems in the world to solve. As a student, Philippe Lazaro knew he wanted to apply his international interests to help solve some of these problems, but getting started was a journey in and of itself. A slew of internships and volunteer opportunities took him around the world. From the Demilitarized […]
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All, Podcast, Updates
Introducing the Plant With Purpose GrassRoots Podcast!
Here’s fun news- we’re launching a podcast! Over the past few months, our team has been arranging interviews, talking to fascinating individuals, and reflecting on our own experiences on the journey of environmental restoration all for the purpose of putting together a moving and informative podcast experience. The show will be called GrassRoots and it […]
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All, Meditations
Humility: What it is, What it isn't
Humility is an increasingly underappreciated value in today’s culture. In a world where personal branding, hyperbole, and debate are highly visible, humility seems to be a forgotten art. In spite of this, there is something truly refreshing about being in the presence of somebody who is sincerely and genuinely humble. Plant With Purpose holds humility […]
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All, Meditations
Shoulder to Shoulder: The importance of solidarity
Solidarity is an act of hope. Solidarity means moving in the direction of pain in the world, standing with those who are suffering and taking up their cause as if it were your own. Doing so is both an act of hope and an imitation of Christ. Vitor Westhelle once said that “the cross is […]
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All, Why
Why is Saving Small Amounts of Money Impactful?
Savings change everything. Although saving a couple dozen cents a week does not sound like much, it is significant. The impact of 20-30 women saving thirty cents a week is catalytic. It causes a chain reaction of change which results in benefits for both the individual and the community. The Impact on Individuals Saving money for […]
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Everyday Restoration
Restoration happens through everyday decisions At a glance, environmental restoration looks like a very large undertaking—and that's true, in part. Threats to the health of the planet have reached an urgent, global scale. But the magnitude of the challenge should not distract us from this simple reality: Environmental change takes place through everyday decisions. Simple […]
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All, Why
How long does environmental restoration take?
Plant With Purpose is deeply committed to environmental restoration. This dream is shared among our partners in eight different countries. Jah Cho envisions future generations being able to reap the benefit of a restored forests. Isaias imagines that his community of Ojo de Agua as a rejuvenated, green landscape. But that raises a great question: […]
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What Purpose Partners do different
Purpose Partners are more than just donors. They’re believers. If you want to know what keeps our work going, look no further than our Purpose Partner community. Our support from these monthly donors means that every month, rural communities plant forests. Mothers in Tanzania, Burundi, and the DRC open small businesses. Churches in the Caribbean […]
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