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Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.

The Gold Mine of Local Ingenuity

What happens when the line gets blurry between sustainability and marketing? Some of our planet’s most needed solutions are ready to be unearthed. They aren’t waiting to be discovered in the labs of our top research institutions. They aren’t waiting for tech entrepreneurs to figure things out. They’re in the minds of the people most […]
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How to prioritize listening to locals

One extremely high value at Plant With Purpose is the empowerment of locals. We are simply partners. Doing so requires a spirit of collaboration that goes against many norms in the world of international charity. Here are a few of the shifts we seek to further local empowerment. We see locals as drivers of their […]
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Farmer Field Schools: The Sack Garden

At Plant With Purpose, we aim to equip rural farmers with sustainable agriculture skills. These skills help them become resilient against hunger and environmental problems. One challenge in Tanzania is the lack of space for farming activities on many people’s property. A solution is the creation of sack gardens. Here’s how these gardens in large […]
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The Power of Investing in Mothers

What changes when you invest in mothers? Mothers are a major part of any family. Whether it be a working mother of two or a stay at home mom, the mothers in our lives have helped shape us. The title of ‘mother’ is not a light load. Mothers are some of the best workers, multi-taskers, […]
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Not Just Fruit, but a Future

Finding Hope and a Future In a country long ridden with war and conflict, people are looking for change and hope. Due to this, communities in Burundi have come together to promote peace, growth, and empowerment. Many of these communities have partnered with Plant With Purpose. Now one of our partnering communities, the Muvumu community […]
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Why is Saving Small Amounts of Money Impactful?

Savings change everything. Although saving a couple dozen cents a week does not sound like much, it is significant. The impact of 20-30 women saving thirty cents a week is catalytic. It causes a chain reaction of change which results in benefits for both the individual and the community. The Impact on Individuals Saving money for […]
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It started with a single cow

Sayumi’s story started with her farm and a single cow. Sayumi’s life wasn’t easy. It was simple, but she had to work exceedingly hard just to survive. She tended her family’s farm every single day, which provided them just enough to get by. Still, her family's life was full of uncertainty. They didn’t have money saved. […]
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Step into a savings group meeting

What is a savings group? Sometimes called savings groups, sometimes called Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), these are savings-led microfinance groups that work to combat poverty. For those unable to benefit from a formal financial institution, these groups offer participants an opportunity to save, grow their money, and take out loans. Across the eight […]
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We Were The Ones Who Forgot

For Isaya, poverty took many forms Isaya lives in Tanzania, where he and his neighbors once lived in poverty. They didn’t just lack money, however. They also lacked trees, enthusiasm, and the awareness of how to improve their situation. The barrenness of the land around him left Isaya concerned about what sort of future awaited […]
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Not Condemned to be Poor

A changed heart is the first step towards renewal One of the biggest things that determines what we can accomplish is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves. A big part of Plant With Purpose’s program is to replace false narratives that our participants have come to believe with the reality of how God sees […]
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The Rombo Report

Rombo isn’t an easy place to get to. You’ll need to drive for quite some time on the remote roads of Tanzania. In terms of distance, it isn’t too far from Mt. Kilimanjaro, a frequently visited and easily accessible spot. But getting from the city areas to the village of Rombo takes slow drives up […]
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