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Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.

Everyday Restoration

Restoration happens through everyday decisions At a glance, environmental restoration looks like a very large undertaking—and that's true, in part. Threats to the health of the planet have reached an urgent, global scale. But the magnitude of the challenge should not distract us from this simple reality: Environmental change takes place through everyday decisions. Simple […]
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How long does environmental restoration take?

Plant With Purpose is deeply committed to environmental restoration. This dream is shared among our partners in eight different countries. Jah Cho envisions future generations being able to reap the benefit of a restored forests. Isaias imagines that his community of Ojo de Agua as a rejuvenated, green landscape. But that raises a great question: […]
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What Purpose Partners do different

Purpose Partners are more than just donors. They’re believers. If you want to know what keeps our work going, look no further than our Purpose Partner community. Our support from these monthly donors means that every month, rural communities plant forests. Mothers in Tanzania, Burundi, and the DRC open small businesses. Churches in the Caribbean […]
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Empowering women across the globe

Integrating sustainability and development provides many benefits to female farmers Plant With Purpose is deeply committed to addressing the root causes behind poverty and environmental degradation. An amazing thing about addressing root causes is discovering how they affect so many issues. Take, for example, women’s empowerment. Gender based inequality may be the world’s oldest human […]
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Ross Boone: a Picture of the Invisible

Meet Ross Boone AKA Raw Spoon This month we’re teaming up with Ross Boone, an Atlanta-based artist and illustrator. We’re also featuring him as our Supporter of the Month! Raw Spoon is Ross Boone’s artist name- and if you’re not sure why, then try reading that sentence out loud. His work uses the gentleness and […]
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Trees and Christmas are signposts towards Hope

If you planted a tree for every tree mentioned between Genesis and Revelation, you would easily end up planting quite a large forest. You’ll find a bush that burns without burning up, a court held underneath palm trees. You’ll find Jesus in a garden hours before his death and mistaken as a gardener hours after […]
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Six hopeful stories about the environment in 2018

When you pay attention to the news about the environment, the stories you come across are often grim. Many of them are alarming, warning about how we can’t continue our demanding lifestyles without irreversible damage to the planet. Those stories are important, and it’s important to heed their warnings, but it is also important to […]
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Matthew Sleeth: What trees teach us about resurrection

The following post has been adapted from an article by Matthew Sleeth for Christianity Today. You may read the full version here. Trees are found all throughout Scripture Every major character and every major theological event in the Bible has an associated tree. The only exception to this pattern is Joseph, and in Joseph’s case […]
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A STORYteller's notes

A couple weeks ago, our team had the opportunity to go to STORY Gathering in Nashville, Tennessee. As far as the conference goes, it's so unlike other conferences that it's a bit hard to describe. In short, it's a place for people who believe that a well-told story can change lives. As a team that […]
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John Mark McMillan on Caring for Creation

John Mark McMillan: Creation care is an act of love John Mark McMillan is a widely-respected music artist. He is also passionate about how the environment impacts people. This fall, Plant With Purpose has had the privilege of teaming up with John Mark McMillan on his seventeen city tour. The tour also includes opening acts […]
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The art of taking a deeper look

Noticing is a spiritual act Fred Rogers once said that “appreciation is a spiritual thing,” and that’s an idea that has a profound impact on what we believe and how we live. All throughout scripture, we’re encouraged to engage the world with a profound set of gratitude and wonder at the mystery of creation. When […]
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