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christian environmental organization

Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.
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Why is it sometimes difficult to take action that helps the planet

We’re constantly in the process of encouraging people to serve our global neighbors by caring for the environment. We’ll be honest, however. Sometimes it can be difficult to see where to get started. There are so many possible choices, but how do you get started? Perhaps you’ve gone from never considering the importance of the […]
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This Earth Day, help restore Creation

The Wonder of Creation is still good. The Story of Creation goes something like this: God made beautiful things. He appreciated and admired them, and called them good. We messed up. We invited sin, degradation, death, and disease to enter the picture. Out of Love, Christ came. His death and resurrection began the process of […]
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How long does environmental restoration take?

Plant With Purpose is deeply committed to environmental restoration. This dream is shared among our partners in eight different countries. Jah Cho envisions future generations being able to reap the benefit of a restored forests. Isaias imagines that his community of Ojo de Agua as a rejuvenated, green landscape. But that raises a great question: […]
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Remember the Wonder of Creation

God created the earth and declared it good. And it truly is good. If you’ve ever found yourself amazed by the beauty of a National Forest, reenergized by a weekend spent hiking, or surprised by how intricately the human body is designed, it's hard to disagree. That’s not to say that the earth doesn’t still […]
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God's Trail of Trees

Plant With Purpose is eagerly looking forward to the upcoming book release from our friend Matthew Sleeth. Matthew is a medical doctor who came to faith partly through noticing how trees constantly resurfaced in Scripture and in our world. His book Reforesting Faith will arrive in bookstores in April 2019. Enjoy an excerpt from the book below! […]
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