christian environmentalists
Discover real-world stories of communities overcoming poverty and deforestation! Plant With Purpose, a Christian non-profit, shares examples of environmental sustainability and stewardship from all around the world. These stories show us how faith, resilience, and sustainable practices transform people’s lives as well as their environment. As rural families overcome poverty and heal the planet, embrace empowerment, renewal, and hope.
All, Living Sustainably, Updates
Eat more sustainably. Eat every part.
Eating every part of produce items is a valuable habit to help reduce food waste. Just about every person is guilty of it in some way or another; we waste a lot of food. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average household in the United States tosses out about a quarter of all food […]
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All, Updates
A STORYteller's notes
A couple weeks ago, our team had the opportunity to go to STORY Gathering in Nashville, Tennessee. As far as the conference goes, it's so unlike other conferences that it's a bit hard to describe. In short, it's a place for people who believe that a well-told story can change lives. As a team that […]
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All, Why I Support
John Mark McMillan on Caring for Creation
John Mark McMillan: Creation care is an act of love John Mark McMillan is a widely-respected music artist. He is also passionate about how the environment impacts people. This fall, Plant With Purpose has had the privilege of teaming up with John Mark McMillan on his seventeen city tour. The tour also includes opening acts […]
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All, Meditations, Why
We can't forget to celebrate hope
The communities where Plant With Purpose works are some of the most difficult places on the Earth to live. As much as our stories focus on change and how a better world is possible, they are also incomplete without a reminder that our group members live very difficult lives. In villages across rural Latin America, […]
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All, Haiti
Saving the evangelists with wings
A little devil is in danger. By "little devil," we mean the Black-capped Petrel, a charming bird species that boasts sleek black wings and a white underbelly. The seabird lives off of seafood, spending most of the day soaring over the ocean in search of fish to feast on. At night, however it returns to […]
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About Our Work, All
Hope in a Weary Land
Where is the most difficult place on the planet to survive? You could certainly make a case for a few of the countries where Plant With Purpose works. Experts frequently mention the Democratic Republic of the Congo among the most difficult countries for someone to live. Frequent episodes of violent conflict, rampant hunger and poverty, […]
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About Our Work, All
The Need for Trees
People need trees, and trees need people. What would happen without trees? In many parts of the world, people would suffer greatly. Trees fix soil with vital nutrients. Trees fix beneficial nutrients in the earth which enables other plants to grow, including vegetables and crops needed to feed people and livestock. Their roots also help […]
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About Our Work, All, Updates
Why a better floor indicates a better future
A typical decision made by rural families: Imagine this scenario: You are a parent living in rural Burundi. For years you’ve struggled to earn an income of about 80 cents a day. With five children to feed, things have never been easy. Lately, however, things have started to look a little bit better. Last year, […]
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All, Mexico, Updates
The Eye of Water
It started with a different vision. About twenty years ago, a visit to the community of Ojo de Agua, “the eye of water” in Mexico’s Mixteca region would have looked quite different. The steep hillside would have been brown and dry. For years, the people of Ojo de Agua relied heavily on the production of […]
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All, Living Sustainably
Using planet friendly products without going on a mega-shopping spree
Can it be done? Using planet-friendly products is a great way to live sustainably. From reusable straws to alternative hygiene products, there are so many opportunities to swap out some of your daily use items to ones that do less harm to the environment. There’s just once concern that comes with that… how do you […]
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All, Living Sustainably, Mexico
Fighting environmental injustice from California to Guatemala
This summer, Plant With Purpose has had the treat of having a team of highly skilled and mindful interns around our San Diego office. These interns bring with them unique perspectives and rich experiences. Our Communications Intern, Caillie, was drawn to Plant With Purpose by her concern for some of the most vulnerable communities. This […]
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All, Meditations
The art of taking a deeper look
Noticing is a spiritual act Fred Rogers once said that “appreciation is a spiritual thing,” and that’s an idea that has a profound impact on what we believe and how we live. All throughout scripture, we’re encouraged to engage the world with a profound set of gratitude and wonder at the mystery of creation. When […]
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All, Meditations, Sustainability
Want to live more sustainably? It takes patience and persistence.
Living sustainably is living the way God intended. It takes persistence and grace. Sustainable living is a good thing. You already knew we wholeheartedly believe that. But living in a way that protects creation and honors its Creator isn’t just a good thing to do. It’s so much more than that. Living as a good […]
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All, Living Sustainably, Updates
How to support local communities while traveling
Does tourism help or harm local populations? That answer is as varied as the list of places to go and things to do. Do a couple of quick searches on Google, and you’ll find lots of examples of locals bemoaning instances where tourists have trashed nearby natural spots or created unpleasant experiences by behaving mindlessly. […]
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All, Living Sustainably, Updates
Keys to a sustainable summer
Summer gives us an opportunity to develop and strengthen sustainable habits. For many of us, this has been a long awaited moment. I’m talking, of course, about the beginning of summer. Whether that means freedom from the demands of a school year, more opportunities to leave your jacket behind at home, or simply the good […]
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